
Pick the integration to see how you can benefit from it.

Make reMarkable truly remarkable

No more manual work - everything synced automatically. Focus on consuming and leave the rest to us.

from 56 reviews
reMarkable Integration
reMarkable with feeds


See overview of what we can do together.

Seamless sync

SyncReads enables you to sync ANYTHING from the web just by passing a url.

sync article

Feeds management

Subscribe to your favorite feeds and get updates when you wish.

Realtime tracking

Keep an eye on your syncs to see what's happening in real-time.


We take your privacy seriously - we DON'T modify any data on your behalf.

Very easy to set up and use. Click click and it's on your rM.

Evan Smith avatar
Evon SmithreMarkable 2 user


Follow these simple steps to get started.

Create account

It's the simplest step as it's totally free and shouldn't take more than few seconds to complete!

Obtain one-time code

Get a one-time code from your reMarkable account. It will be used to link your device with SyncReads.

Register integration

Login to dashboard and register your integration using obtained one-time code. That's really simple!


That's it! Your reMarkable is now connected to SyncReads. Enjoy full power of the internet, happy syncing!

Your data is safe with us.

We're committed to protecting your data and privacy. That' why we're not modyfing any data on final device. It's all about consuming, not burning, isn't it?

Put the whole web into your pocket

Create the future together!

We believe in transparency and the power of the community, so if you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to give us a signal. We're open to any feedback!

Give feedback